Mode 4 Now Fixes Ownership Issues Automatically!

No long-winded notes this month. Instead, I’ll just wish my wife a happy birthday! She’s the best. ❤️💜💙

Get it here:

Or install from PSGallery:

Install-Module -Name Locksmith -Scope CurrentUser


  • ESC4 and ESC5 Ownership issues can now be auto-remediated with -Mode 4. - @TrimarcJake
  • Improved RSAT installation process (if you don’t have it installed yet.) - @techspence
  • Modern custom object creation (no more Add-Member means slightly faster code that’s much easier to read code) - @TrimarcJake
  • README now shows how to use the -Scans parameter to limit your search to just a specific issue. - @SamErde
  • We now have CONTRIBUTING and CODE_OF_CONDUCT docs. They’re not quite where we want them, but soon! - @TrimarcJake
  • PSScriptAnalyzer actions run on commit now, so we can check if there’s anything hinky going on. - @SamErde
  • Badges! Icons! - @SamErde

Known Issues:

  • Objects with both Allow and Deny ACEs reports two issues in output (I promise I’ll think about working on this one for February. :D)


  • @SamErde
  • @techspence
  • @TrimarcJake