It’s 6:16am on a Saturday, so obviously it’s time to work on code.

This morning, I am attempting to build the next release of Locksmith using the tools created by Przemyslaw Klys.

First of all, I spent a few minutes removing all the Clear-Host and $Logo lines from the existing code. They are vanity plates I did for fun… and really, who cares?

Then, I updated Build-Module.ps1 with the correct metadata for the next release of Locksmith.

After taking care of the basic housekeeping, I tried my first build.

Problem 1 - PSPublishModule is not installed.

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Locksmith\Build> .\Build-Module.ps1
Import-Module : The specified module 'PublishModule' was not loaded because no valid module file was found in any module directory.                             At C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Locksmith\Build\Build-Module.ps1:1 char:1    + Import-Module PublishModule -Force                                  

` This was an expected error since I have not yet installed “PSPublishModule” which is required for Build-Module.ps1. I just wanted to see what would happen if I didn’t manually install it.

Thankfully, Przemyslaw provided guidance on installing this module in his PR: Install-Module PSPublishModule -Force -Verbose

However, this brought us to…

Problem 2 - ‘PSScriptAnalyzer’ is currently in use.

PS C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Locksmith\Build> Install-Module -Name PSPublishModule -AllowClobber -Force
WARNING: The version '1.21.0' of module 'PSScriptAnalyzer' is currently in use. Retry the operation after closing the applications.


Problem 3 - Previously installed version of Pester conflicts with the new version.

PackageManagement\Install-Package : A Microsoft-signed module named 'Pester' with version '3.4.0' that was previously installed conflicts with the new module 'Pester' from publisher 'CN=DigiCert Assured ID Root CA,, O=DigiCert Inc, C=US' with version '5.5.0'. Installing the new module may result in system instability. If you still want to install or update, use -SkipPublisherCheck parameter.

` Both issues seemed fairly easy to resolve. I closed the open terminals on my Mac and tried again. But then I got…

Problem 4 - Multiple “<package> is currently in use” Warnings

When attempting to install PSPublishModule this time, I got 3 warnings, but no errors. Progress? I was not filled with confidence, so I closed everything running in my lab and started fresh.

This time, PSPublishModule was installed successfully. There were still a few warnings, but I felt confident moving on to the next step. So, let’s try our first Build!

Problem 5 - An immediate Build-Module.ps1 error.

This issue was pretty small in the scheme of things. The build actually succeeded, but I received the red text at the beginning because Line 1 of Build-Module.ps1 was: Import-Module PublishModule -Force When it should have been: Import-Module PSPublishModule -Force Now this is a bug I can fix. I updated the build script, and everything was fine.

Now let’s move on to installing and building on a fresh machine!

Attempting to build on a new machine.

I decided to try and add auto-installation of PSPublishModule to the Build-Module.ps1 script to make it easier to use by adding the following:

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

if (Get-Module -Name 'PSPublishModule' -ListAvailable) { 
    Write-Information 'PSPublishModule is installed.'
} else {
    Write-Information 'PSPublishModule is not installed. Attempting installation.'
    try {
        Install-Module -Name PSPublishModule -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -Force
    } catch {
        Write-Error 'PSPublishModule installation failed.'

Import-Module -Name PSPublishModule -Force

I quickly ran into the same ‘package in use’ and Pester conflict issues I noticed before.

I modified my code to this:

$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

if (Get-Module -Name 'PSPublishModule' -ListAvailable) { 
    Write-Information 'PSPublishModule is installed.'
} else {
    Write-Information 'PSPublishModule is not installed. Attempting installation.'
    try {
        Install-Module -Name Pester -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -SkipPublisherChck -Force #ADDED THIS
        Install-Module -Name PSPublishModule -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -Force
    catch {
        Write-Error 'PSPublishModule installation failed.'

And all was good!